I posted a couple weeks ago about some blogs that I find inspiring.
One of them was Leslie's Journey
Leslie was completely healed of her cancer Saturday night when she went to be with her Lord.
Please be praying for her husband, Tyson, their almost 3 year old son, TJ, as well as the rest of her friends and family. Although I never had the honor of meeting Leslie, I know that she married into a great family. I can't imagine what they are going through. She was only 32 years old, and 10 months ago she went in for a minor surgery on her sinuses.
(and I'll begin blogging about my trip later this week - today is laundry, repacking and playing with Alex in preparation for our vacation this week!)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
I'm Here and Fine
Just wanted to let people who only read this blog to know that I made it here without a problem and am having a great trip. Alex went back to his house today which was an amazing and emotional trip.
When I get back in the states, I'll blog about Alex specific stuff on my fostering blog and more general trip information on this blog.
When I get back in the states, I'll blog about Alex specific stuff on my fostering blog and more general trip information on this blog.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Just a Few More Hours
I've cried about 5 times already today - I'm not sure how I'm going to get through tomorrow.
I'm almost as sad about leaving Big Alex for four days as I am about giving Baby Alex back.
I'm also a little concerned because I won't have any access to Jay while I'm gone. I found out that neither my cell phone or Blackberry will work in Guatemala. I had really hoped that I would at least have email access through my Blackberry so I could email Jay. If I find a Wi-Fi I could email from my iPod so we'll see how that goes.
You may not hear from me again until Monday.
What an exciting adventure!!!
I'm almost as sad about leaving Big Alex for four days as I am about giving Baby Alex back.
I'm also a little concerned because I won't have any access to Jay while I'm gone. I found out that neither my cell phone or Blackberry will work in Guatemala. I had really hoped that I would at least have email access through my Blackberry so I could email Jay. If I find a Wi-Fi I could email from my iPod so we'll see how that goes.
You may not hear from me again until Monday.
What an exciting adventure!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Beyond Blessed
Words can not express how blessed I am or how thankful I am.
My blogger friends JuJu and Holly asked blog land to help offset some of my expenses to take Baby Alex back to Guatemala. JuJu knew me well enough to know that she had to TELL me that they were doing this, and not ASK me to do it. :)
I'm not sure what I expected, but I certainly didn't expect the amount I got. You all are the best!!!! I'm still amazed that this group of people, most who I've never met in real life, have blessed my family like you have. (ok - is it who or whom? Too bad Aunt Sandy doesn't read my blog!)
Those of you who donated will receive a personal thank you soon, but I also wanted to put out a public thank you.
Thanks to everyone who donated.
Thanks to everyone who is praying for me. (I almost think I need that more right now then money!!!)
Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this adventure.
Thanks to everyone who is praying for Baby Alex and his family.
And Thanks to this wonderful community - a group of people I would have never met if God had allowed me to get pregnant. ;)
(3 days of work and then I'm off to the Land of the Eternal Spring!!)
My blogger friends JuJu and Holly asked blog land to help offset some of my expenses to take Baby Alex back to Guatemala. JuJu knew me well enough to know that she had to TELL me that they were doing this, and not ASK me to do it. :)
I'm not sure what I expected, but I certainly didn't expect the amount I got. You all are the best!!!! I'm still amazed that this group of people, most who I've never met in real life, have blessed my family like you have. (ok - is it who or whom? Too bad Aunt Sandy doesn't read my blog!)
Those of you who donated will receive a personal thank you soon, but I also wanted to put out a public thank you.
Thanks to everyone who donated.
Thanks to everyone who is praying for me. (I almost think I need that more right now then money!!!)
Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this adventure.
Thanks to everyone who is praying for Baby Alex and his family.
And Thanks to this wonderful community - a group of people I would have never met if God had allowed me to get pregnant. ;)
(3 days of work and then I'm off to the Land of the Eternal Spring!!)
Friday, July 18, 2008
My Thoughts
I have lots of questions and thoughts running through my brain. (which is probably why I haven't been sleeping very well lately)
My plan is to list out these questions and then deal with them in separate posts. I may add to this post as I think of other questions.
1. My thoughts on fostering and if I would do it again.
2. Now that we've experienced two kids, do we want another one?
3. If not, can I really parent an only child?
4. If so, where from? (domestic, international - what country)
5. If so, when? Can we afford it? (remember - we are a Dave Ramsey family now - NO DEBT)
6. Why I don't think we did anything special fostering Baby A.
7. What do I want to be when I grow up? :)
8. Could I be a SAHM? Could we afford it?
My plan is to list out these questions and then deal with them in separate posts. I may add to this post as I think of other questions.
1. My thoughts on fostering and if I would do it again.
2. Now that we've experienced two kids, do we want another one?
3. If not, can I really parent an only child?
4. If so, where from? (domestic, international - what country)
5. If so, when? Can we afford it? (remember - we are a Dave Ramsey family now - NO DEBT)
6. Why I don't think we did anything special fostering Baby A.
7. What do I want to be when I grow up? :)
8. Could I be a SAHM? Could we afford it?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It Hit Me Today
John asked the question - and if he asked, other people may be wondering.
No, we don't have to give back our Alex. He's stuck with us forever. ;)
We have to give back our foster son, Alex. You can read about Baby Alex on our fostering blog (look to the left for the link). But, the quick story is Baby Alex is a 10 month old from Guatemala who came to the US for surgery on his cleft lip. He's been here since May 15th, and I leave this Thursday to take him back home to his mommy and daddy)
Sorry if there was any confusion!!
I have to give him back.
I don't know if I can.
This sucks.
John asked the question - and if he asked, other people may be wondering.
No, we don't have to give back our Alex. He's stuck with us forever. ;)
We have to give back our foster son, Alex. You can read about Baby Alex on our fostering blog (look to the left for the link). But, the quick story is Baby Alex is a 10 month old from Guatemala who came to the US for surgery on his cleft lip. He's been here since May 15th, and I leave this Thursday to take him back home to his mommy and daddy)
Sorry if there was any confusion!!
I have to give him back.
I don't know if I can.
This sucks.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
On Saturday we took the boys to a local produce farm. They have a little petting zoo for the kids, and Alex loved it.
We started out at the chickens.

This picture was taken just before the "incident." Alex had one piece of corn in his hand and he wanted to feed the chickens. The orange chicken you see in the picture jumped up and took the corn out of his hand. We think he even got Alex's finger a little bit. Alex has been telling anyone who will sit still long enough about how the chicken bit his finger. He didn't cry and didn't seem to be too scared. :) 


We started out at the chickens.
This picture was taken just before the "incident." Alex had one piece of corn in his hand and he wanted to feed the chickens. The orange chicken you see in the picture jumped up and took the corn out of his hand. We think he even got Alex's finger a little bit. Alex has been telling anyone who will sit still long enough about how the chicken bit his finger. He didn't cry and didn't seem to be too scared. :)
Our first attempt at Alex looking like a pig.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Aw, Shucks and a Tag
Mandy gave me my first Blog Award!!! I've seen other people get blog awards, so I'm touched that I got one.
I think Mandy and I may be one of those weird virtual twin people. (by the way, Mandy, I'm going to see Wicked in Chicago on the 29th - 3rd row tickets!!!) We are both from Ohio, we both LOVE the Buckeyes, musical theatre, Barry Manilow, and she is now thinking about getting her MLS!!! :)
JuJu tagged me AGES ago to list 5 things I can't live without. (and they can't be everyday things like my computer or cell phone) Let's see if I can do this.
1. TiVo (well, we actually now have DirecTV DVR but it's the same thing) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TiVo. I believe that it's the best invention in the whole world. I rarely watch commercials, I can watch my shows after the boys go to bed, I can watch shows that are on when I'm not home, and I could go on and on. :)
2. Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner - We have this in our shower and I'm amazed at how well it works. We just run it after we are both done with our shower and it keeps it clean without having to scrub.
3. My Piano - I've been playing piano since I was in 4th grade. (so, for a really long time) I love playing the piano. It's my stress relief, my hobby, and my talent. I also love that Alex likes to play along with me.
4. Baby Wipes - Is this just a big secret that parents don't want people without children to know about? These things are great. I think I will always carry some with me even when Alex is out of diapers.
5. My Bible - I've never been one to do much Bible reading or devotionals (I go in spurts) but I've been trying to be better about it recently.
Check back tomorrow when I'll have pictures of the petting zoo we went to today as well as Alex's new train table that Jay built.
I think Mandy and I may be one of those weird virtual twin people. (by the way, Mandy, I'm going to see Wicked in Chicago on the 29th - 3rd row tickets!!!) We are both from Ohio, we both LOVE the Buckeyes, musical theatre, Barry Manilow, and she is now thinking about getting her MLS!!! :)
JuJu tagged me AGES ago to list 5 things I can't live without. (and they can't be everyday things like my computer or cell phone) Let's see if I can do this.
1. TiVo (well, we actually now have DirecTV DVR but it's the same thing) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TiVo. I believe that it's the best invention in the whole world. I rarely watch commercials, I can watch my shows after the boys go to bed, I can watch shows that are on when I'm not home, and I could go on and on. :)
2. Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner - We have this in our shower and I'm amazed at how well it works. We just run it after we are both done with our shower and it keeps it clean without having to scrub.
3. My Piano - I've been playing piano since I was in 4th grade. (so, for a really long time) I love playing the piano. It's my stress relief, my hobby, and my talent. I also love that Alex likes to play along with me.
4. Baby Wipes - Is this just a big secret that parents don't want people without children to know about? These things are great. I think I will always carry some with me even when Alex is out of diapers.
5. My Bible - I've never been one to do much Bible reading or devotionals (I go in spurts) but I've been trying to be better about it recently.
Check back tomorrow when I'll have pictures of the petting zoo we went to today as well as Alex's new train table that Jay built.
Friday, July 11, 2008
We Interrupt This Blog with Some Pictures
So, I'm not exactly following Sarah's FFF theme, but these were the pictures that were on my camera.
Here is Alex at Day out with Thomas. Jay and his dad took both Alex's to this last Friday. I had an almost entire day to myself!! It was wonderful. Alex had a GREAT time. (although you really can't tell from these pictures.)

These pictures are from the party at my aunt and uncle's last week. They have a full size pool, but it was REALLY cold. They also set up this baby pool for the kids to play in. It took Alex some time to warm up to the water play, but then he really got into it.

Here is Alex at Day out with Thomas. Jay and his dad took both Alex's to this last Friday. I had an almost entire day to myself!! It was wonderful. Alex had a GREAT time. (although you really can't tell from these pictures.)
These pictures are from the party at my aunt and uncle's last week. They have a full size pool, but it was REALLY cold. They also set up this baby pool for the kids to play in. It took Alex some time to warm up to the water play, but then he really got into it.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Didn't Mean to Leave You Hanging
Every night this week I've sat down to write my next post, and every time I've just gone to bed.
And the funny thing, is I don't even have anything huge to post, I just don't know where I want to go next.
I started this blog over two years ago when we were in process with Alex. My whole goal was to keep family and friends informed of the process and where we were in it. My hope was that I wouldn't get asked every day when Alex was going to come home. And, this blog totally achieved that goal.
Little did I know that I would "meet" some amazing people along the way. I had no idea I would end up with a big list of blogger friends. (some of you I've had the amazing opportunity to meet in person)
I really haven't posted much about real issues - thoughts - feelings. A couple weeks ago, Angel put a challenge out to Get Real and it has got me thinking.
Where do I want this blog to go next? I still want to use it as a journal for Alex - a place to put pictures (especially for my mom and dad) and record his milestones. But, I think I want it to become something more then just that.
The only reason why I struggle is that there are many people that I know in real life who read this blog. My parents (hi mom and dad!), co-workers (Melissa, Cheryl, Kim anyone else out there?), friends (hi Michelle!), and Jay's co-workers (Kim, Lourdes, anyone else?) I have to admit that it makes me nervous to really put myself out there when I know that these people I really know read it.
I just need to take the plunge - so I think the next thing I blog about will just be a list of questions/thoughts I have that I want to explore.
Thanks for hanging in with me!!
(and I just got my camera back so there will be pictures from Alex's Day out with Thomas and our trip to my Aunt and Uncle's house)
And the funny thing, is I don't even have anything huge to post, I just don't know where I want to go next.
I started this blog over two years ago when we were in process with Alex. My whole goal was to keep family and friends informed of the process and where we were in it. My hope was that I wouldn't get asked every day when Alex was going to come home. And, this blog totally achieved that goal.
Little did I know that I would "meet" some amazing people along the way. I had no idea I would end up with a big list of blogger friends. (some of you I've had the amazing opportunity to meet in person)
I really haven't posted much about real issues - thoughts - feelings. A couple weeks ago, Angel put a challenge out to Get Real and it has got me thinking.
Where do I want this blog to go next? I still want to use it as a journal for Alex - a place to put pictures (especially for my mom and dad) and record his milestones. But, I think I want it to become something more then just that.
The only reason why I struggle is that there are many people that I know in real life who read this blog. My parents (hi mom and dad!), co-workers (Melissa, Cheryl, Kim anyone else out there?), friends (hi Michelle!), and Jay's co-workers (Kim, Lourdes, anyone else?) I have to admit that it makes me nervous to really put myself out there when I know that these people I really know read it.
I just need to take the plunge - so I think the next thing I blog about will just be a list of questions/thoughts I have that I want to explore.
Thanks for hanging in with me!!
(and I just got my camera back so there will be pictures from Alex's Day out with Thomas and our trip to my Aunt and Uncle's house)
Sunday, July 06, 2008
No New Pictures
I left my camera at my aunt and uncle's house this weekend, so you will have to wait until my parents send it to me for new pictures.
Until then, I'm struggling with where I want this blog to go.
I started this blog to journal our adoption journey. It was designed to keep family and friends informed on where we were in the process, and to share photos.
Although I still want to use this as a place to document Alex's milestones, I think I'm ready for it to be more then just an online journal.
I'm pretty sure God is preparing me for something big, I just don't know what it is yet. So, stay tuned as I work out all of these thoughts in my head!!!
Until then, I'm struggling with where I want this blog to go.
I started this blog to journal our adoption journey. It was designed to keep family and friends informed on where we were in the process, and to share photos.
Although I still want to use this as a place to document Alex's milestones, I think I'm ready for it to be more then just an online journal.
I'm pretty sure God is preparing me for something big, I just don't know what it is yet. So, stay tuned as I work out all of these thoughts in my head!!!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Thirteen Years, One Week and One Day
Jay and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary last week. (well sort of) Our anniversary fell on Baby A's surgery day, so we really haven't done anything yet to celebrate.
I can't believe it's been 13 years - I mean really - am I getting that old? :) At the end of August I will have known Jay as long as I didn't know him.
I said a lot about him on my Father's Day post, and I don't want to repeat myself, but I could go on and on about him.
When most people first meet Jay they think he's a jerk - stand offish - an a-hole. But really, he isn't any of those things. He's just really shy - I'm definitely the outgoing one in the relationship.
He is an amazing husband and father. I usually have nothing to complain about. I can't imagine my life without him.
I tried to take some pictures of our wedding album. Yes, people, I got married before digital photos!! :) And oh my gosh - we were young and thin!!!

I can't believe it's been 13 years - I mean really - am I getting that old? :) At the end of August I will have known Jay as long as I didn't know him.
I said a lot about him on my Father's Day post, and I don't want to repeat myself, but I could go on and on about him.
When most people first meet Jay they think he's a jerk - stand offish - an a-hole. But really, he isn't any of those things. He's just really shy - I'm definitely the outgoing one in the relationship.
He is an amazing husband and father. I usually have nothing to complain about. I can't imagine my life without him.
I tried to take some pictures of our wedding album. Yes, people, I got married before digital photos!! :) And oh my gosh - we were young and thin!!!
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