It's cold here - really cold - as is most of the country (except for you Florida and Arizona types - and I don't want to hear about it) :)
As I was walking to the parking garage after work, I saw a group of workers huddled outside smoking. They looked miserable.
I couldn't help thinking that NOTHING would be that important to me to stand out in this cold.
But, what if I could only eat chocolate outside. Would I give it up? Would I stand out in below zero with sub-zero windchill to eat chocolate.
I'm thinking no.....what about you?
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
OK God - I Got It
Our pastor really wanted our church choir to go to the local nursing home to go Christmas caroling.
Now, I don't have anything against this - but I just couldn't find a time that I thought would work.
She asked again at church, so I talked to the choir. We decided to meet at the nursing home at 6:30 tonight to do some caroling.
I was kind of dreading it. It's kind of cold here - and I really didn't want to get back out. My leg is finally feeling a little better (nothing is broken - which is good) and I didn't want to be out and about. I really just wanted to stay home, bake cookies and watch football.
But, I went - after all - I am the choir director.
We decided to just sing in the common room. We did some songs with guitar and some with piano. We were even able to take some requests from the residents.
What a great night we had. I'm so glad I went - and I'm so glad my little choir was willing to go with me.
So, God, I hear you - it's not all about me.
Now, I don't have anything against this - but I just couldn't find a time that I thought would work.
She asked again at church, so I talked to the choir. We decided to meet at the nursing home at 6:30 tonight to do some caroling.
I was kind of dreading it. It's kind of cold here - and I really didn't want to get back out. My leg is finally feeling a little better (nothing is broken - which is good) and I didn't want to be out and about. I really just wanted to stay home, bake cookies and watch football.
But, I went - after all - I am the choir director.
We decided to just sing in the common room. We did some songs with guitar and some with piano. We were even able to take some requests from the residents.
What a great night we had. I'm so glad I went - and I'm so glad my little choir was willing to go with me.
So, God, I hear you - it's not all about me.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I Got Cast!!!! (and hopefully won't be in a cast)

I'm so excited to be getting back on the stage!!!!
I just found out tonight that I have been cast in our local community theater's production of Working.
This little known musical is based on the book "Working" by Studs Terkel who chronicled the day in the life of 26 average American workers. The music was written by Steven Schwartz (LOVE HIM!! - he's the Wicked dude!) and James Taylor to name a few.
I got cast as the Grocery Check out Girl - Babe Secoli - She has a GREAT song and I'm very excited to get a chance to do this.
This will be the second Steven Schwartz show I've been in - I was in Pippin in college.
So, my life has just gotten very interesting with rehearsals 4 times a week, but since this is a vignette show, it shouldn't be too bad.
I get my x-rays tomorrow afternoon so I'll find out if I actually broke anything in my leg.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Klutz Girl - Reporting In
Alex pooped on the potty tonight!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! The Miralax is starting to work. He got his Percy - but I have a feeling he won't do it again until we come up with a new bribe :) I'm still going to enjoy this tonight!!!!!
First on my klutziness.
A couple of weeks before Thanksgiving I fell down my friend's steps at her house and landed on my left elbow. It hurt pretty bad, and I think I bruised the bone, but nothing too serious. It's been slowly healing since then.
Last night, I was on my way into our local community theater for an audition. As I was coming around the corner outside the theater, I tripped on a brick and wiped out - BIG TIME!!!!
I landed on my right knee, left elbow and hands. I had a small cut on my hand, scraped my elbow pretty bad (yes, the same elbow I hurt a few weeks ago) but the worst was my knee. In fact, the cobblestone is imprinted on my knee. I can barely walk, it's very swollen and it's starting to bruise.
Amazing - I seriously could trip over a flat surface.
Luckily the show I was auditioning for doesn't have any dancing, so I didn't have to learn a dance for my audition!
I LOVE theater, and BA (before Alex) I was involved with our local community theater. This winter they are doing the musical "Working." Working is based on the book by Studs Turkel. We did this show when I was helping the theater department at the school I taught. You can learn more about the musical here I will find out later this week if I get cast. I'm excited to get back into the theater and back on stage so we will see what happens.
Back in the late summer/early fall I was so concerned about Alex. His behavior was horrible and I really questioned my parenting. I just realized last week that he's gotten MUCH better. He's listening better, he's been much more pleasant, and he is tantruming less. He still has his moments, but boy is it better.
I have signed up to go with Global Orphan Team on their first mission trip. We are going to be in Guatemala for a week at the end of March/beginning of April. I'm so excited about this trip. We are going to be going to a couple of orphanages to love on babies. We are also going to spend one day in Panajachel. And you KNOW I'll be getting a ride to Tierra Linda to visit Baby Alex and his family.
Alex is really getting excited about Christmas. It's a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see how he handles everything. I have all of my shopping done. I still need to wrap everything and finish the baking.
Am I the only one with this problem? I'll be going through my day, something will happen, and I'll make a mental note that this would make good blog material. I usually even "write" the post in my head. Then, when I finally get time to sit down and try to blog - I forget what I was going to write about. I think I'm losing my mind.
Alex pooped on the potty tonight!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! The Miralax is starting to work. He got his Percy - but I have a feeling he won't do it again until we come up with a new bribe :) I'm still going to enjoy this tonight!!!!!
First on my klutziness.
A couple of weeks before Thanksgiving I fell down my friend's steps at her house and landed on my left elbow. It hurt pretty bad, and I think I bruised the bone, but nothing too serious. It's been slowly healing since then.
Last night, I was on my way into our local community theater for an audition. As I was coming around the corner outside the theater, I tripped on a brick and wiped out - BIG TIME!!!!
I landed on my right knee, left elbow and hands. I had a small cut on my hand, scraped my elbow pretty bad (yes, the same elbow I hurt a few weeks ago) but the worst was my knee. In fact, the cobblestone is imprinted on my knee. I can barely walk, it's very swollen and it's starting to bruise.
Amazing - I seriously could trip over a flat surface.
Luckily the show I was auditioning for doesn't have any dancing, so I didn't have to learn a dance for my audition!
I LOVE theater, and BA (before Alex) I was involved with our local community theater. This winter they are doing the musical "Working." Working is based on the book by Studs Turkel. We did this show when I was helping the theater department at the school I taught. You can learn more about the musical here I will find out later this week if I get cast. I'm excited to get back into the theater and back on stage so we will see what happens.
Back in the late summer/early fall I was so concerned about Alex. His behavior was horrible and I really questioned my parenting. I just realized last week that he's gotten MUCH better. He's listening better, he's been much more pleasant, and he is tantruming less. He still has his moments, but boy is it better.
I have signed up to go with Global Orphan Team on their first mission trip. We are going to be in Guatemala for a week at the end of March/beginning of April. I'm so excited about this trip. We are going to be going to a couple of orphanages to love on babies. We are also going to spend one day in Panajachel. And you KNOW I'll be getting a ride to Tierra Linda to visit Baby Alex and his family.
Alex is really getting excited about Christmas. It's a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see how he handles everything. I have all of my shopping done. I still need to wrap everything and finish the baking.
Am I the only one with this problem? I'll be going through my day, something will happen, and I'll make a mental note that this would make good blog material. I usually even "write" the post in my head. Then, when I finally get time to sit down and try to blog - I forget what I was going to write about. I think I'm losing my mind.
Friday, December 12, 2008
So busy with Christmas stuff, I just don't have time to post like I want to.
But, I had to post this. In case you didn't know, some of my blogger (and IRL) friends are in Panajachel right now doing work with Mayan Families.
Yesterday, they went to Tierra Linda and got to spend some time with Alex and his family. Click here to see pictures of Alex.
He is getting SOOOOO big and his lip looks amazing. I just can't believe that it's him.
But, I had to post this. In case you didn't know, some of my blogger (and IRL) friends are in Panajachel right now doing work with Mayan Families.
Yesterday, they went to Tierra Linda and got to spend some time with Alex and his family. Click here to see pictures of Alex.
He is getting SOOOOO big and his lip looks amazing. I just can't believe that it's him.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Catch Up Post
Why does it seem like all of my posts lately are catch up posts?

One Wednesday, we took Alex to a Children's Museum in Ft. Myers. Here Alex and I are waiting for the hands on animal demonstration. They took out an alligator, snapping turtle, some type of snake and frog for the kids. Alex loved it, but wouldn't touch any of them.
We then went into the Toddler Town. Alex could have staid here for hours and hours and hours. He LOVED it. They had these fruits and vegetables set up with shopping carts. He spent about 2 hours putting fruits/vegetables in his cart and then taking them back out.

Yeah!! I love my fruit!!!

As we were trying to leave, he found the Art area. They had musical instruments for them to play, and mom can't say no to music!!

Although I was kind of disappointed we didn't see any panthers, we did see LOTS of alligators.
On the way back home the sun was setting just as we were crossing the bridge to the island. This picture was taken from our moving car. :)
We did have a great time on vacation this year. Alex slept REALLY well (which he didn't do last year) He had a lot of fun in the pool (and even got as far as blowing bubbles and jumping off the side and going under with my mom on Friday). Mom was even able to get him to go on the beach and make sand castles. I just love Sanibel Island and I'm already looking forward to next year.
We did take Alex to see Santa yesterday. I still can't believe that this is the third year for us to be doing things.

From last year: 
I wasn't sure how he was going to do this year. He is excited about Santa and talks about him, but has also told Jay and I that he doesn't want Santa to come into his house. We have had to reassure him that Daddy and Mommy will meet Santa out in the driveway to get his presents. We've also been practicing asking Santa for presents. He decided he was going to ask Santa for princesses and cars. He also wanted to ask Santa for presents for the cat. (food and new toys in case you were wondering). When we got to the feed store, and he saw Santa, his eyes got SO big. He stood at the door and yelled his wish at Santa. It was so funny. 
We also started a tradition of getting his picture taken on a saddle at the store. So again, for reference, three years ago:
These pictures are from the past month with vacation and a trip to see Santa thrown in.
I just love this picture - I know the lighting isn't very good, but I just think he is so precious. He climbed up on the back of our couch and I just had to get a picture of him.
And, generally speaking, this is why I don't have pictures of him anymore. He is always wanting to come see the picture on the camera before I get a chance to take it.
As I was packing for vacation, he rediscovered his sunglasses and just had to wear them around the house.
Look at that cutie!!!
This is the only "outside" picture I got of Alex on vacation. My mom and sis-in-law were sitting outside on the balcony reading and Alex had to be just like them.
Our days consisted of the following: Getting up, getting breakfast, playing in the condo until it got warm, going out to the pool (usually around 10:00), swimming until lunchtime, having lunch, then nap, then up to play some more before dinner. Because of this, have no pictures. I know - I'm a horrible mom. What I really need to do is have one of you come with us on our next vacation just to take pictures for me. :)
Yeah!! I love my fruit!!!
On Friday, Jay and left Alex with my parents and we headed to Miami. We went to Little Havana and ate at this DIVINE Cuban restaurant. We then headed over to Culder Racetrack to bet on some ponies.
We took the "long" way there (with the hopes of seeing some alligators)
This next sign cracked me up - this is something we just don't see in Kentucky.
Although I was kind of disappointed we didn't see any panthers, we did see LOTS of alligators.
We did have a great time on vacation this year. Alex slept REALLY well (which he didn't do last year) He had a lot of fun in the pool (and even got as far as blowing bubbles and jumping off the side and going under with my mom on Friday). Mom was even able to get him to go on the beach and make sand castles. I just love Sanibel Island and I'm already looking forward to next year.
We did take Alex to see Santa yesterday. I still can't believe that this is the third year for us to be doing things.
So, for a trip down memory lane. Here is Alex's picture with Santa from three years ago.

From last year:

I wasn't sure how he was going to do this year. He is excited about Santa and talks about him, but has also told Jay and I that he doesn't want Santa to come into his house. We have had to reassure him that Daddy and Mommy will meet Santa out in the driveway to get his presents. We've also been practicing asking Santa for presents. He decided he was going to ask Santa for princesses and cars. He also wanted to ask Santa for presents for the cat. (food and new toys in case you were wondering). When we got to the feed store, and he saw Santa, his eyes got SO big. He stood at the door and yelled his wish at Santa. It was so funny.
He wouldn't go sit on Santa's lap, so I had to hold him, but here's the picture from this year.
We also started a tradition of getting his picture taken on a saddle at the store. So again, for reference, three years ago:

Last year

And this year.
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