I actually picked up our Christmas Cards today!!! I've never done anything this early before. And actually, I wasn't early - it was just because I was 5 months late getting Alex's 2 year old pictures taken. :)
If you would like to get one of our Christmas Cards this year, please email me at kimhartz@hotmail.com
I'm not sure I ordered enough so if I need to get more, I want to get them ordered soon.
Oh - and if you were at G'fest - I don't have a copy of the directory yet, so I don't have your address.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Is This Brainwashing?
I'm sorry - just had to share. :)
As many of you know, we are a very political family. We don't talk bad about any candidate in our house. But, whenever anything political comes on tv, Alex says, "John McCain!!" It cracked us up when he first started it. In fact, even if Obama is on tv, he says, "John McCain!"
He has now started saying, "Vote for John McCain!" I swear we didn't teach it to him, but he does get a big reaction from us, so I'm sure that has helped egg him on.
We've also taught him something for our Michigan friends. :)
As many of you know, we are a very political family. We don't talk bad about any candidate in our house. But, whenever anything political comes on tv, Alex says, "John McCain!!" It cracked us up when he first started it. In fact, even if Obama is on tv, he says, "John McCain!"
He has now started saying, "Vote for John McCain!" I swear we didn't teach it to him, but he does get a big reaction from us, so I'm sure that has helped egg him on.
We've also taught him something for our Michigan friends. :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
New Look
I've been wanting a new look for my blog for a couple of months, but just couldn't get my act together to pick out what I wanted.
Nikki worked her magic again, and I love it. If you need a blog makeover, please check out her site. Her prices are reasonable, and she is raising money to go on her mission trips. She is amazing!!!
Nikki worked her magic again, and I love it. If you need a blog makeover, please check out her site. Her prices are reasonable, and she is raising money to go on her mission trips. She is amazing!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I Need to Remember This!
As I've mentioned, Alex and I have had some major battles lately. It's mostly because he's exactly like me; controlling, stubborn, little patience.....hmmm. :)
Alex also hits me ALL the time. We have been working with him but it doesn't seem to be getting better. I'm sure that there is some reaction that he's getting from me when he does it, even though I've been working on it.
But, then today, he does this. I want to make sure I'm documenting it so I can come back to read it on our hard days.
Jay and his dad left early this morning to go show one of our horses. I woke up feeling horrible - terrible stomach ache and the things that go along with it. I wasn't sure how I would handle him today by myself. (yes, I'm a baby, yes, I'm screwed if anything happens to Jay)
I told Alex that I wasn't feeling well, that my tummy hurt. He's been pretty good this morning (although I have to admit that the TV has been helping out a lot).
He then came over and climbed on my lap. He said, "Big hugs!!" and gave me a big hug. Then he said, "Kisses, mommy" and gave me kisses. Then, he took my face in between his two hands, looked me right in the face and said, "There, mommy, that will make you feel much better."
Alex also hits me ALL the time. We have been working with him but it doesn't seem to be getting better. I'm sure that there is some reaction that he's getting from me when he does it, even though I've been working on it.
But, then today, he does this. I want to make sure I'm documenting it so I can come back to read it on our hard days.
Jay and his dad left early this morning to go show one of our horses. I woke up feeling horrible - terrible stomach ache and the things that go along with it. I wasn't sure how I would handle him today by myself. (yes, I'm a baby, yes, I'm screwed if anything happens to Jay)
I told Alex that I wasn't feeling well, that my tummy hurt. He's been pretty good this morning (although I have to admit that the TV has been helping out a lot).
He then came over and climbed on my lap. He said, "Big hugs!!" and gave me a big hug. Then he said, "Kisses, mommy" and gave me kisses. Then, he took my face in between his two hands, looked me right in the face and said, "There, mommy, that will make you feel much better."
Thursday, October 23, 2008
More Pics of Baby Alex
Look what I just got!!!! Kim Mc from the Mayan Family Connection group is sponsoring three of Alex's aunts to go to school. She has blessed Alex's extended family with the schooling for the girls, traditional outfits, vitamins, beds (the two beds that were in the big dwelling when I was there), table/chairs, etc.
Her family also just purchased a bed for Gloria and Manuel!!!!! If you remember, they have been sleeping on a piece of plywood. Manuel came this week to pick up their bed, and Sharon just sent me these pictures.

A couple of things I noticed. Alex is wearing an outfit we sent with him - and it's a 9 month Carter's outfit that was definitely too big on him when I sent him home, so it's good to see that he's growing. His lip continues to look great!!! Dad is still using the Baby Bjorn that I left with them. I'm so happy to see that they are getting good use out of it.
Her family also just purchased a bed for Gloria and Manuel!!!!! If you remember, they have been sleeping on a piece of plywood. Manuel came this week to pick up their bed, and Sharon just sent me these pictures.

A couple of things I noticed. Alex is wearing an outfit we sent with him - and it's a 9 month Carter's outfit that was definitely too big on him when I sent him home, so it's good to see that he's growing. His lip continues to look great!!! Dad is still using the Baby Bjorn that I left with them. I'm so happy to see that they are getting good use out of it.
These pictures just make me so happy - it's hard to explain. :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Questions Anyone?
So, I need to get to the questions I posted a couple months ago, but I'm not up to doing that yet.
Instead, I'll steal an idea from some other blogger friends.
Now is your chance to learn anything you want about me. Ask me any questions, and I'll answer them. You can either email me at kimhartz@hotmail.com or leave a comment.
This should be fun!!!
Instead, I'll steal an idea from some other blogger friends.
Now is your chance to learn anything you want about me. Ask me any questions, and I'll answer them. You can either email me at kimhartz@hotmail.com or leave a comment.
This should be fun!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Mother of ALL Posts
Ok - I finally found the cord to my camera and downloaded the pictures. These are pictures from the beginning of September. So, sit back, relax and here we go!
These pictures are of Alex dancing.

This is the only picture we got of him with the pumpkins. He would not let me take any more pictures.

We tried to get him to go to the little pond to look at the fish, but then we got "attacked" by these ducks. They were so cute - but, of course, Alex was scared of them. :)

That night our volunteer fire department had a hayride and chili dinner to raise money for our local children's charity. Alex LOVED it. He had so much fun.

What can I say that hasn't already been said? What an amazing weekend. Thanks so much to Julie, Kerry and Megan for all of their hard work.
Alex and I got up on Thursday and made the 12 hour car drive there. He did really good. He took a nap, read his books, listened to his "songs" and watched his "movies."
Then on Friday, we met up with Kerry, Megan and Holly to help get things organized. I was a very bad mommy and pushed Alex a little too much. We didn't get back up to the room until about 3:00. We had to be back downstairs at 5:00 to work registration. Needless to say, Alex didn't want to nap at first. So, he laid on my bed and colored.

So, guess when he did finally fall asleep? 4:20!! Yikes!! I picked him up at 5:00 and carried him downstairs. He sleep on my shoulder for another 30 minutes or so. But, when he woke up he was a BEAR. He didn't want to go into the room with everyone else. So, we were back up in our hotel room before the event even started. I was so upset. It was the one time that everyone was together and I really missed talking to everyone. I know that there were people there that I didn't get a chance to meet.
Here is the devil, I mean, angel baby taking his nap in the big bed.

Here was the amazing view from our hotel room. I should have taken pictures on a nicer day, but I think you get the idea.

Saturday was the aquarium. You will see that this is the only picture I got. Why, you may ask, because Alex FREAKED OUT inside. He was scared of everything. He was shaking so bad, I just couldn't put him through it anymore. All he wanted to do was go back to the hotel. By this time, I was so upset. I actually considered just packing up and heading home. It just didn't seem worth it - for him or me.

This cutie is Miss Maya. She and Miss G are just two peas in a pod.

Here's a self portrait of me with Miss G. Is she not the cutest thing in the whole world?

It was a beautiful fall day to be out on the lake.

A couple more things (if any of you are still reading). Today is Jay's 38th birthday - 38!!! I'm married to an almost 40 year old!!! :)
These pictures are of Alex dancing.
Here's a video of his dancing. He has quite the moves - and he can multi-task - dance and eat lunch. :)
A couple weekends ago, we took Alex to a local farm for their pumpkin patch. Alex hated most of it except for the hay ride.This is the only picture we got of him with the pumpkins. He would not let me take any more pictures.
We tried to get him to go to the little pond to look at the fish, but then we got "attacked" by these ducks. They were so cute - but, of course, Alex was scared of them. :)
That night our volunteer fire department had a hayride and chili dinner to raise money for our local children's charity. Alex LOVED it. He had so much fun.
(and I'm sure you can guess that I'm talking in these next pictures - not sure what I was talking about!!)
Family picture soon after we took off.
What can I say that hasn't already been said? What an amazing weekend. Thanks so much to Julie, Kerry and Megan for all of their hard work.
Alex and I got up on Thursday and made the 12 hour car drive there. He did really good. He took a nap, read his books, listened to his "songs" and watched his "movies."
Then on Friday, we met up with Kerry, Megan and Holly to help get things organized. I was a very bad mommy and pushed Alex a little too much. We didn't get back up to the room until about 3:00. We had to be back downstairs at 5:00 to work registration. Needless to say, Alex didn't want to nap at first. So, he laid on my bed and colored.
So, guess when he did finally fall asleep? 4:20!! Yikes!! I picked him up at 5:00 and carried him downstairs. He sleep on my shoulder for another 30 minutes or so. But, when he woke up he was a BEAR. He didn't want to go into the room with everyone else. So, we were back up in our hotel room before the event even started. I was so upset. It was the one time that everyone was together and I really missed talking to everyone. I know that there were people there that I didn't get a chance to meet.
Here is the devil, I mean, angel baby taking his nap in the big bed.
Here was the amazing view from our hotel room. I should have taken pictures on a nicer day, but I think you get the idea.
Saturday was the aquarium. You will see that this is the only picture I got. Why, you may ask, because Alex FREAKED OUT inside. He was scared of everything. He was shaking so bad, I just couldn't put him through it anymore. All he wanted to do was go back to the hotel. By this time, I was so upset. I actually considered just packing up and heading home. It just didn't seem worth it - for him or me.
As Alex and I were leaving the aquarium - the most amazing thing happened. First, let me back up. Many of you who read my blog also read Julia's blog. You know that her beloved Daddy went to be with Jesus just a few days before Guatoberfest. Her family still came. I was surprised that they did. I think that Julia felt that she had an obligation to us - to Kerry and Megan - and probably to her Daddy. I don't know how she did it.
So, Julia was standing outside of the aquarium letting people know what was going on as they arrived. She saw us and asked me what we were doing. When I told her that we were just heading back, she asked to pray for us. This amazing woman put her hands on Alex and I and prayed for us - for him - and I lost it. Her prayer was so amazing and it made me cry. I was crying for her - for her loss - for her compassion for Alex and I - for the wish that Jay was with me to help - and because I was mad at myself for getting so frustrated.
So, Julia asked me to leave Alex with her. That she would keep him outside so I could go in and enjoy myself and maybe he would be willing to go back in for lunch. How could I let her do this? Someone who I should be helping??? She insisted - and for those of you who have met Julia - you just don't say no to her. :)
So, I went back in and just watched all of these amazing kids and their families. Can I just tell you how wonderful that was??? And, Alex calmed down and Julia got him excited about going in to eat chicken!! We ended up having a great lunch with Kerry, Cameron, Megan and McKenzie.
After a nice nap, Alex and I headed to Barefoot Landing. At first I was a little concerned. I hadn't made arrangements to meet anybody there, so I wasn't sure what would happen.
But, I'm not sure why I was worried. I met up with Alleen, Ferdy, and Gabriella. Alex and Miss G had fun last year together and this year was no different.
You have to go to to Alleen's G'fest post to see the cutest picture of Alex and Miss G.
This cutie is Miss Maya. She and Miss G are just two peas in a pod.
After Barefoot Landing we all just took over the lobby. Oh my there were lots of us and lots of kids. This was so funny. Julia's son Mac had one of those laser pointer things and he was pointing it on the floor and the kids were crawling around trying to chase it.
Here's a self portrait of me with Miss G. Is she not the cutest thing in the whole world?
On Sunday, I had the honor of speaking about COTA and my fostering experience. I think it went ok. I was a little distracted by all the kids running around - and Alex who wanted me to hold him - but I think I did ok. Sunday ended up being a beautiful day, so Alex and I got our suits on and went out to the beach and the pool. He had a great time. We didn't make it to the outlets that afternoon as Alex was napping.
We hung out in the room after the evening send off. The kids got to take a ride on the luggage cart and loved it.
And the beautiful Abby Grace. Oh my gosh - this little peanut is just precious - full of spunk - and I think is going to keep her mama and dada very young. :)
It really was an amazing time. Of course I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted, but it's so hard to do that with a 2 year old by yourself. It was great to meet so many more blogger friends, facebook friends, and a.com friends. It was also great to see people again this year that were at G'fest last year. I especially liked spending time with Holly, Gmom, Gia and Nino.
This weekend, my parents were in the area staying at a local lake. We took Alex out for his first boat ride and he loved it - which is good - since my dad just bought a deck boat!!
It was a beautiful fall day to be out on the lake.
My Secret Blog Pal ROCKS!!!!! Much to my surprise, when Alex and I got back to the room on Friday (at G'fest), I found a huge gift bag full of stuff from my SBP. So, either my SBP was at G'fest, or knew someone who was going. We got tons of clothes for Alex (and mostly pants which is EXACTLY what he needs), some wonderful pampering things for me, and some snacks (which I don't have pictures of since Alex and I hit those during G'fest)
Thank you SBP!!!!!!
A couple more things (if any of you are still reading). Today is Jay's 38th birthday - 38!!! I'm married to an almost 40 year old!!! :)
And the best news yet. This morning we went to give Alex a bath. As I was getting him out of his pjs' he said, "I go potty, mommy." I said, "Do you want to go pee-pee on the potty?" And he said yes!!! (lately he has protested big time) So, I sat him on the potty and he tried to go. He didnt' - but I was just happy that he was trying again. So, I put him in the bathtub. All of the sudden he said, "I have to go poopy, mommy!" So, out of the tub we went, onto the potty, and he peed!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never been so happy!!! I got excited, Jay got excited, we got him M&Ms, and we called Nanny and Papa. Now, that has been it for today, but I'm seeing some progress.
I hope to be back to regular blogging now - with pictures and everything.
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