I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him. I Samuel 1:27

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Why Guatemala?

And the next most asked question - why Guatemala? We looked at domestic adoption briefly. There were a couple of reasons why we ended up not choosing a domestic adoption.

1. The wait can be a couple of years if you are lucky. I didn't want to wait that long.
2. The birthmother is more likely to change her mind during a domestic adoption.
3. Most domestic adoptions these days are open adoptions. I have nothing against open adoptions - in fact, I really like the idea. What I had a hang up on was the fact that the birthmom chooses you from a book of prospective parents. What if we weren't chosen. Would a birthmom find us attractive enough? funny enough? smart enough? have the right kind of house? the right kind of friends, families, jobs.....I could go on and on!! I found myself getting a slight complex!

So - we decided on international - now - which country? Here are some of the reasons why we choose Guatemala.

1. I really liked the idea that we could bring home a baby under the age of one. It's not guaranteed (as is nothing during an international adoption) but the possibility is there.
2. The total time from signing with the agency to pickup trip has been running approximately 1 year.
3. The stay in country is only 3-5 days. (have to save those vacation and sick days to be home with my little guy)
4. Getting there doesn't take 3 airplanes, 2 layovers, over 24 hours without a shower, and long flights in coach.
5. Jay and live in a county with a large Hispanic population. We knew that unless we adopted from Russia, our child would not look like us. This way, when Alex goes to school, there will be other kids around him that will look like him.
6. We have some friends that have adopted from Guatemala and had a great experience.
7. And the kids are just TOO cute. (see yet another wonderful picture of Alex - also from about 3 days old)

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