I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him. I Samuel 1:27

Friday, October 13, 2006

Today's Trip

We left at 9:00 today to go to Antigua. I was a little worried about how Alex would do as I've never had him outside of the hotel for this long.

He took a bottle just before we left, slept the hour long trip to Antigua, was as happy as could be all day, took a bottle during lunch, fell asleep in his carrier, woke up and was happy, and then fell asleep for a little bit on the way home. He was a dream!!

We went to two Jade Factories, a store that sold 100% cotton goods, the market, a wonderful restaurant and couple other touristy type stuff. We had a WONDERFUL guide who I would highly recommend.

We bought stuff for Alex, stuff for ourselves, and stuff for gifts. I'm trying to buy 18 little things to give to Alex every year on his Gottcha Day (October 11th). I have to get about 4 more things. We did get him a pair of beautiful black Jade cuff links. I'm thinking for this 18th birthday, or 21st or maybe a wedding present.

Mom has Alex right now, so I'm going to lay down for a little bit. He had me up at 4:30 this morning!!

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